Thursday, May 27, 2004

Fucked up...

aku selalu checked up on everyone... ended up aku balik yg dilupakan...

depa selalu dtg untuk aku untuk plss.. abang... make me testimoni yg sweet2.. alih2 address aku mcm2...

aku selalu jd keldai... confuse hampir every single nights untuk jaga hati2 depa... tapi depa tak penah pedulikan hati aku...

why? is it fair? to me?

they even said i am "an angel" to them.. that could comfort them in their fucked up days.. but in return they fucked me up back... again and again..

why does it always rain on me?

1 comment:

ilot said...

hai...kesiannye dia.. tension ka? ha..ha.. sabo bebanyak je la ye... jangan marah..!